Université catholique de Louvain [UCLouvain]
The Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) carries on strong research activities, building upon almost 600 years of experience. UCL has been involved in 176 projects within FP7 and in more than 85 projects in Horizon 2020. Its internal arborescence spans from discipline-specific into interdisciplinary research entities. Twenty-five technological platforms support these entities offering scientific, technical, and administrative management.
The Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics, and Applied Mathematics Institute (ICTEAM) has developed unique expertise in communication systems and networks, artificial intelligence and machine learning, cryptography and information security, sustainable information and communication technology as well as in micro-nanotechnologies for e-health.
The Centre for Applied Molecular Technologies (CTMA) is an academic-clinical-military biotechnological platform mutualizing the resources of three partners: (i) UCL-based biotechnological platform of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Research, (ii) “Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc”, and (iii) Ministry of Belgian Defence. CTMA is a clinical research-oriented biotechnological platform of UCL.
Publications related to CorDial-S
1. L.M. Irenge, J. Ambroise, P.N. Mitangala, B. Bearzatto, R.K.S. Kabangwa, J.F. Durant, J.L. Gala. (2020). Genomic analysis of pathogenic isolates of Vibrio cholerae from eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (2014-2017). PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 14, e0007642. (IF 4.487)
2. O. Vybornova & J.L. Gala. (2019). Structured decision-making for the management of a biological fieldable laboratory during outbreaks: A case for European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM). Environment Systems and Decisions 39, 65-76. (IF 1.800)
3. N. Reckinger, A. Vlad, S. Melinte, J.F. Colomer, M. Sarrazin. (2013). Graphene-coated holey metal films: Tunable molecular sensing by surface plasmon resonance, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 211108. (IF 3.521)
4. F. Biondi, T. Given-Wilson, A. Legay. (2016). Attainable unconditional security for shared-key cryptosystems. Inf. Sci. 369, 80-99. (IF 5.524)
5. N. Golenvaux, P.G. Alvarez, H.S. Kiossou, P. Schaus. (2020). An LSTM approach to predict migration based on Google Trends. CoRR abs/2005.09902
People invovled in CorDial-S

- Sorin MELINTE: ICTEAM Professor
- Jean-Luc GALA: CTMA Pofessor
- Olga VYBORNOVA: CTMA Researcher
- Aleksandr VYBORNOV: CTMA Engineer
- Axel LEGACY: ICTEAM Professor
- Pierre SCHAUS: ICTEAM Professor
- Jhonny YUNDA: ICEAM Researcher
- Gordiana SANDU: ICTEAM Researcher
- Hamid OUBAHA: ICTEAM Researcher